Formulated with 100% acrylic emulsion, JSW Paints Halo Long Lasting Exteriors offers 10X protection.
Its high mechanical strength, crack bridging and anti-carbon properties guarantee protection irrespective of any weather condition.
1 Compliant to LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) VOC criteria as per IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) as tested at National Test House, Mumbai. 2 Compliant to GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) Criterion 26 on Low VOC Interior Paints as tested at National Test House, Mumbai. 3 Compliant to Japanese Industrial Standard - JIS Z 2801: 2010 'Test for Anti-Bacterial Activity and Ecacy' as tested at Biotech Testing Services, Mumbai. 4No fungal growth when tested as per ASTM D5590: 2017 for 'Determining the Resistance of Paint Films to Fungal Defacement' as tested at Biotech Testing Services, Mumbai. 5 Resistance to stains when tested as per ASTM D4828: 94 (2012) for relative ease of removal of common soil and stains from interior coatings as tested at National Test House, Mumbai.